“I have alopecia and needed some eyebrows. Laura was great at explaining the treatment but not pushy. She was fantastic, put you at ease and gave you choices.”
Author: Laura Deem
So is scalp tattooing Haram? As we know Scalp-micropigmentation (Scalp Tattooing) is a form of tattooing the scalp with pigment to permanently represent hair follicles to the scalp. As with traditional tattooing the pigments used within scalp-micropigmentation are inserted into the dermis layer of the skin using needles/tattoo guns. The pigments used are of a size that the body can not break down and as a method of protecting itself the body wraps the pigments in collagen within the dermis layer of the skin, this results in these pigments staying permanently within the dermis layer of the skin. This is where the main question is Scalp tattooing Haram derives from. The Tricopigmentation or Pigmentalia form of SMP only inserts pigments into the dermis layer of the skin and consequently the body reacts differently to these pigments. The pigment/follicle effect within Tricopigmentation or Pigmentalia is only temporary and not permanent* as over time the epidermis layer of our skin exfoliated and with this the inserted pigments exfoliate also. The latter exfoliation can take 12-18 months and consequently these forms of SMP are not permanent *.
For many within the Muslim faith tattooing is Haram and subsequently for those that believe this it naturally implies that traditional scalp-micropigmentation and scalp tattooing is Haram also as the pigments permanently mark the skin. Reading through the internet you’ll find varying opinions with regards to is tattooing haram, yet on a whole it would appear that majority of opinions suggest that any form of permanent tattooing is Haram. Among many a leading Muslim internet site quotes:-
‘Tattooing, in which the skin is pierced with a needle and a blue or other coloured dye is injected, is haraam in all forms, whether it causes pain or not, because it involves changing the creation of Allaah, and because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos and the one for whom that is done. In al-Saheehayn it is narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “May Allaah curse the women who do tattoos and those for whom tattoos are done, those who pluck their eyebrows and those who file their teeth for the purpose of beautification and alter the creation of Allaah.” (al-Bukhaari, al-Libaas, 5587; Muslim, al-Libaas, 5538).
With regard to all these matters, the ahaadeeth testify that the one who does them is cursed and that they are major sins. There is some difference of scholarly opinion as to the reason why they are forbidden. It was said that it is because they are a form of deception, and it was said that it is because it is a way of changing the creation of Allaah, as Ibn Mas’ood said – which is more correct and also includes the first meaning. And it was suggested that what is forbidden is only that which is permanent, because that is changing the creation of Allaah; as for that which is not permanent, such as kohl which used for adornment by women, that is permitted by the scholars. (Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 5/393).’
So if what is referred to in the question is that which is not permanent, then it is not a tattoo as such and does not change the creation’( https://islamqa.info/en/20283 )
The above points may still from time to time be challenged by those of the Muslim faith with regards to is scalp tattooing haram and subsequently is Scalp micropigmentation Haram yet it strongly suggests that there are few such questions when considering Tricopigmentation (Pigmentalia) as a true hair loss solution * for those within this faith sector.
*Results may vary from person to person
We’ve all seen some great scalp micropigmentation pictures and results, yet in reality in the cold light of day these treatments when captured at an awkward angle can sometime look flat or washed out. This is where 3D scalp micropigmentation comes into play, utilising differently toned pigments and different needle sizes the hair follicles can be given the illusion of depth, thus giving a very natural and authentic appearance all round.
3D scalp micropigmentation is only really suitable for the shaved head appearance. Where some clients may need the 3D scalp micropigmentation appearance to blend in with their existing hair this form of procedure can often best benefit clients with total hair loss or Alopecia totalis.
The 3D scalp micropigmentation effect is achieved by adding a final layer of pigment after the normal procedure would otherwise be deemed complete. This layer is somewhat darker, applied with a thinner needle, and more sparsely distributed over the treatment area. The thinner needle draws more ink closer to the surface of the skin and given the addition of a darker pigment also then this gives the illusion of a natural 3D effect. It is important to remember that the 3D scalp micropigmentation effect is simply an optical illusion and will not change the surface texture of the skin, this said, unless you’re closer than 300mm away from the scalp it’s almost impossible to differentiate from natural follicles.
Redeem clinic can replicate this procedure with both forms of their scalp pigmentation process be it Trico-pigmentation* of Scalp Micropigmentation*, once again proving themselves to be at the cutting edge and skill sets within the industry.
*Results may vary from person to person

Is there an alternative to traditional Hair transplants?
At Redeem Clinic we have spent years seeing clients with incredibly low moral and self confidence visiting our clinics in an attempt to rectify the matter. Our personal worries and view of ourselves sometimes differ greatly to what people see. At Redeem clinic our services are all about giving clients their confidence back. Confidence that ensures their makeup looks perfect day in day out , confidence that see’s that mistake of a tattoo at 18 years old removed, confidence that our wrinkles aren’t so noticeable and confidence that our hair line is not aging or thinning too fast.
We know that loosing your hair can be devastating for many people especially those in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. We know that many fear the costs and medical procedures necessary in relation to Hair transplants and few believe in the wonder drugs/shampoo’s which promise to restore a full head of hair and never do. Based with this knowledge Redeem clinic searched for an alternative to the traditional hair transplants and one system that would truly give their clients their confidence back. Having seen videos of jubilant clients that had been through hair replication procedures with scalp micropigmentation Redeem clinic wanted to ensure that they enhanced this client satisfaction and confidence experience and subsequently introduced the cutting edge treatment in Scalp micropigmentation / Hair transplants which is Tricopigmentation*. Only a handful of clinic in the UK offer these exceptional standard of treatment and added to their award winning services Redeem Clinic are happy to see Hair loss clients gain their confidence back for a lifetime to come.
For a short period only Redeem Clinic are giving a further 10% off their already industry beating prices in relation to their Tricopigmentation* services. Simply send us your details
and quote reference Trico070816 and we’ll send you a voucher. Don’t forget also all our consultation are always FREE. You learn what the procedure incurs, meet the technicians, see our professional/clinical environments and gain the faith in our service that allows you to gain your confidence back.
Tricopigmentation* a true alterntative to the traditional Hair Transplants.
*Results may vary from person to person

Redeem Clinic in Hull are proud to announce the introduction this September (2016) of a new stand alone ruby laser tattoo removal * machine which makes them one of the most comprehensive tattoo removal * clinic in Hull and the East Yorkshire Region . The Ruby laser tattoo removal * machine is added to their existing ND Yag and Rejuvi tattoo removal * services and ensures they are still the number one of the leading clinics in our region for tattoo removal.
With our Ruby laser tattoo removal * service added to our existing services Redeem clinic are one of the most comprehensive tattoo removal clinic in our region and are capable of removing all coloured tattoos including Yellow.
Ruby laser technology uses the 694nm waves lengths that are perfect for removing Green and Blue pigments. Green tattoo pigment can not be removed with the typical ND Yag lasers found in 95% of clinics and it requires a specialised Ruby or Alexandrite laser to remove this pigment.
Why not come for a FREE CONSULTATION , simply see our contacts page and fill out your details and we’ll be delighted to assist.
Are you one of the 50%? This great article by the Daily mail tells us why most want their tattoos removed http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2594272/One-six-people-hate-tattoos-50-believe-ink-makes-look-common.html
*Results may vary from person to person

We’ve all heard of Laser tattoo removal * yet many don’t understand the variant between the different types of laser and what they do? The very vast majority of laser tattoo removal machines in the country are ND yag Q Switch lasers and since the deregulation of the laser removal industry in 2010 many cheap ND yag lasers have entered the market and this is why there is a proliferation of people being able to offer the service. Don’t get us wrong ND Yag lasers are very capable of removing many types of tattoo’s and we in fact have used one very successfully for many years, however ND Yag lasers will only remove Blue, Black and Red pigments and as often in life price seems generally to be linked with capability and this especially the case in the world of lasers. Ruby lasers on average cost at least ten times that of the ND yag laser. Why?. Well for one Ruby lasers can also remove Green pigments where ND yag lasers can’t. A very high proportion of us have green pigment in our tattoos and if we pursue tattoo removal solely using ND Yag laser then we are left with the green pigment still showing in our skin. Also Ruby lasers on average can work at a higher power setting than ND Yag lasers meaning they can penetrate further down into the skin allowing them to remove all the layers of ink ensuring tattoo removal where possible. Finally due to the higher power setting Ruby lasers tend to out perform ND yag lasers with regards to how many treatments are required. National average to remove a tattoo with ND Yag laser are 11 sessions, yet with Ruby laser it is 7-8 sessions. The good news is Redeem clinic utilise both ND Yag and Ruby laser tattoo removal. Add this to their Rejuvi non laser tattoo removal service and they are now the most comprehensive tattoo removal clinics in Hull and the Yorkshire region.
For a limited time only we are offering 10% off our Ruby treatment sessions (new clients only). In order to receive your 10% off voucher you can clinic the link below to claim the voucher.
10% off Ruby laser tattoo removal with Redeem Clinic (Voucher)
Although we only offer our Ruby laser tattoo removal services via our Hull clinic, these lasers are so far and few between we see many of our clients travelling from our other clinics in Harrogate, Sheffield, Leeds and Halifax to take up this unique service. Still not sure and want to know more, we offer FREE consultations and should you wish to book then simply use our contact page or call Laura/Mike direct on 07738 757767.
*Results may vary from person to person

Winter is once again upon us, bringing the inevitable wind, rain and cold, with wind and rain obviously not being the best for our every day beauty routines. The good news is spring is just around the corner. Redeem clinic want to help put a spring in your step with their new ‘ Tattooed eyebrows offers’ that give you that confidence that you’ll never have to be constantly looking in that mirror to readjust your makeup, worry about poorly shaped brows or brow pencil that runs and smudges. With our tattooed eyebrow offers you’ll have makeup that lasts 2-5 years. So you’ll never have to worry about leaving the brow pencil at home for a long time to come.
Having treated 1000’s of satisfied clients to date Redeem clinic tattooed eyebrows offers come with a reputation of being the most value for money treatments within our region. Of course there are always technicians out there that will want to win business by offering cheaper prices yet more often there’s always a story behind an offer that is too good to be true (newly trained technicians looking for work, substandard technicians trying to survive etc etc)? Here at Redeem Clinic we run promotions several times a year as a way of rewarding our loyal customers and on occasion attracting new ones, our current winter/spring offer is no different. Where normally our prices are in excess of £300 per treatment our current tattooed eyebrows offers semi permanent makeup brow * treatments at an incredible price of only £249.00. (some people call semi permanent makeup brow * treatment tattooed eyebrows but please be rest assured all our treatments are not permanent tattoos yet semi permanent*). To claim this semi permanent makeup offer you will need to claim your voucher as below:-
CLAIM VOUCHER HERE TO OBTAIN ‘Tattooed Eyebrows offer’ AT £249
If your unsure about not receiving the best treatment the industry has to offer simply because our prices don’t reflect this then simply take time to read our review page, see some of our before and after photos (we match your face not a template) or come a see us for a No Obligation FREE Consultation at any of our clinics in Leeds, Hull, Sheffield, Halifax or Harrogate.
*Results may vary from person to person

Being one of only a handful of businesses in the UK and Yorkshire region to offer Tricopigmentation* services for clients with Alopecia and Hair loss problems, Redeem clinic are now also one of a very few clinic in the whole of the UK to offer both Tricopigmentation* and Scalp Micropigmentation ( SMP Hair ) as well as SMP laser removal services. With the skills learnt and practiced in relation to our Trico services it was only always a small step to advancing these skills sets into SMP Hair, however we felt it crucial that we took time to hone these skills and fully understand the varying requirements from our customers before venturing into the permanent world of scalp micropigmentation. Needless to say with 18 months of Trico under our belts we felt we had met our own critical criteria, add to this further SMP Hair specific training in Knightsbridge we were delighted to find that with exception to the pigments and hand pieces used our skill sets perfectly matched those of SMP and the results matched the exceptional standards we had been achieving for some time via our Trico treatments. Accordingly Scalp micropigmentation as well as Tricopigmentation* can now be found at our Leeds, Hull, Halifax, Sheffield and Harrogate clinics and the best thing of all we can truly offer all our clients an unbiased view on either treatment. No pressure sales trying to sell one service over the other, just simple factual advise on the benefits of both treatments which allow the customers to make up their own minds. As ever our consultations are completely FREE and we offer some of the best value for money treatment throughout the whole of the UK.
*Results may vary from person to person
We’re proud as punch to have received yet another award. This time for our clinic at Leeds. Yocale business have given us the above fantastic award in recognition for the Scalp Micropigmentation, Tricopigmentation and Permanent makeup treatments carried out at our Calverley Site.
Looking for a trusted supplier, then it seems you may have found one ?

Not being content to be reputedly the most comprehensive tattoo removal clinic within the Yorkshire region Redeem clinic has decided to go one step further in an attempt to become the most comprehensive tattoo removal clinic in the country by adding Picosecond laser technology. With their tattoo removal services already including Rejuvi tattoo removal, Ruby laser tattoo removal and ND yag laser tattoo removal Redeem clinic are also adding Picosecond laser tattoo removal services to their line up. Picosecond laser tattoo removal machines are at the cutting edge of laser removal equipment, picosecond lasers are designed to shatter tattoo pigments more quickly and more effectively than standard ND yag lasers. Redeem’s new Pico laser will also benefit from being able to target more ink colours than our traditional ND yag laser and will include, Blacks, Reds, Blues, Greens, Browns (and combinations thereof ). The Picosecond laser used by Redeem Clinic is also portable, so we are now able to carry out Laser tattoo removal in Leeds (coming Jan 2018) as well as our Hull clinic (currently available). As ever all our consultations are free.
What is picosecond laser?
Time units of the conversion relationship:
1 second =103 Millisecond
=106 Microsecond
=109 Nanosecond (ND Yag / Ruby)
=1012 Picosecond
So with picosecond laser each laser pulse duration (pulse width) is 1012th of a second. In 1983 Rox Anderson and John Parrish found that, “the principle of selective photothermolysis, is the shorter the laser action time, then the target tissue to absorb the accumulation of laser energy is less likely to spread to the surrounding tissue, the energy is limited to the extent of the target treatment area and thus helps protect the surrounding normal tissue”. Picosecond laser pulse width is a one hundredth of the traditional Q-switched nanosecond laser, its excellent performance ensures that picosecond laser pulse crushing of pigment particles are more thorough, while the surrounding tissue also incurs less damage.