how was it was developed
Tricopigmentation was developed in Italy by Malina Lardy. Malina had seen the growth in the art of scalp tattooing, scalp pigmentation / SMP as a solution to clients suffering from hair loss, having trialled serval methods herself she was unable to find any form of existing system that utilised the very fine needles necessary to give a realistic hair follicle representation, a system that used a colour that could match the clients natural hair tone, or a method that over the years would not see the inks bleeding/blurring into the scalp whilst allowing future hairline revisions to match the clients age as they matured.
Having historically already established her own internationally recognised micropigmentation business and training school ‘Golden Eye’, Malina decided to attempt to resolve the issues she believed was giving micro scalp pigmentation a bad name whilst also introducing a method that would be a true alternative to hair transplant, help clients with hair loss, and could give clients their confidence back whilst fixing the failing of the traditional hair tattoo business.
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Ultra Realistic Results
After many attempts Malina eventually developed ‘Pigmentalia (Tricopigmantion) ’ a scalp micropigmentation system that gave ultra realistic hair follicle representation, hair follicle that had a density pattern that looked entirely natural, were matched to the clients natural hair colouring whilst meeting the ageing demands of the client. Having only historically found scalp pigmentation systems that utilised traditional tattoo guns, were completely reliant on the dexterity of the technicians hand and which needles were too large to give a realistic hair follicle look, Malina concluded the only path forward would be to produce specialised equipment, needles and pigments in order to resolve the challenges the historic scalp micropigmentation industry had presented.
Through Malina’s pure determination and integrity to only offer clients a micro pigmentation system that truly met all her clients desires and wants ‘Pigmentalia’ was born. Of recent times the latter has heavily influenced the traditional scalp micropigmentation market also allowing for the introduction of greatly improved digital micropigmentation equipment, ultra fine needles, colour stable (organic) inks and ‘cross discipline’ methods.

scalp micropigmentation
Pigmentalia (also known as Tricopigmentation ) was the reputedly the world’s first form of scalp micrpigmentation that had uniquely designed digital electronic micropigmentation machines that allow the needles to be set at a constant skin depth (ensuring the pigments only entered the epidermis and sub-dermis skin levels making the follicles semi permanent in nature), it has the finest needles available in the market, has a needle direction system that manages natural hair density perfectly and has unique designed pigments that can be matched to the clients natural hair colour whilst never changing colour. This drove Redeem Clinic to ask the question why the traditional SMP market on a whole weren’t trying to emulate this exceptional standard and accordingly they have become one of the innovators in ‘cross discipline’ methodology SMP. SMP that uses new digital hand pieces, not traditional tattoo guns, SMP that uses ultra fine needles as well as Trico only needles and SMP that utilise natural organic pigments designed to ensure true colour/Shade. The latter not only allows Redeem clinic to offer its clients the cutting edgd technology of the semi permanent method of Tricopigmentation, whilst also giving the option of the traditional permanent method of SMP, which can too replicate hair follicle to match the clients own follicles (large, medium or small), and ensure the colours never change, whilst if required giving a 3D effect.

Many traditional scalp micropigmentation treatments and businesses will look to complete a client treatment in one siting or one day of treatment. With the Redeem Clinic Trico or SMP approach the treatments require at least 2-3 sittings, this allows the technician in conjunction with the specific density program to create a truly natural appearance. In the initial sitting the technician will add a light density of follicle, filling the required area. On the 2nd sitting the technician is then more able to see a densification level that ‘sits best’ with the clients requirements and add further densification to suit.
The third sitting is required to ensure perfection of the process and is carried out 30 days after the initial treatment. This allow for time for the pigments to settle into the scalp after which some touch-up may be required to fill in the odd missing follicle if necessary. For those suffering total hair loss or Alopecia totalis then on occasion in conjunction with our 3D method 4 sitting may be required.