How can Redeem Clinic help with
Laser tattoo removal of Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation and Scalp Tattooing have been around for well over a decade now and when the treatments were first introduced they were seen as a revelation within the hair transplant / hair thinning community. However regrettably in the years since, due to poor workmanship, poor pigments, ink migration and non-trained tattoo technicians getting in on the act we are starting to see more and more horror stories in relation to both scalp micropigmentation and scalp tattoo treatments. We now find that as well as many clients seeking out our alternative Tricopigmentation services many clients have started to contact in relation to our scalp micropigmentation laser removal* services also.

* See image of Botched SMP by others. Cover up risks even more pigments migrating into one another over time, far better to removal with laser and start again.

SMP laser removal

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Client Selections are down
to Redeems Clinics Discretion

We should stress that at Redeem clinic we only remove Scalp Micropigmentation and not Tricopigmentation, why is this, well over the years Tricopigmentation naturally exfoliates, never changes colour, never bleeds or blurs yet still gives some of the highest standard hair follicle representation in the market today. Who would you trust with your SMP laser removal, the technician that botched your treatment in the first place or a clinic that specialises in all forms of tattoo removal as well as the industry’s leading hair follicle replication treatments whilst ensuring you never have to go through scalp tattoo laser removal EVER again?

The SMP laser removal* service is carried out within the Redeem clinic in Hull. This said however,due to our expertise in this field we actually find the majority of our clients will travel from outside the region, with many clients actually travelling from far afield as London, Manchester and Newcastle. All of our clients are welcome to attend any of our clinics in Leeds, Halifax, Harrogate and Sheffield (as well as obviously Hull) for their FREE consultations and when they ready to move forward to either total or partial removal of their scalp hair tattoo then they can have the confidence that Redeem clinic in Hull was the best choice for their Scalp Micropigmentation laser removal *.

*Results may vary from person to person